Monday, October 6, 2008

Uncle Brutha Answers The Call

The Obama '08 Presidential Campaign has issued a call for help in raising funds to support Barack Obama's run for the White House. So in considering ways to do our part, imagine our surprise when we found out:

"Barack Obama Loves Him Some Hot Sauce!!"

Barack Obama introduced us to the audacity of hope. Uncle Brutha introduces "The Audacity of Hot Sauce." Bold, unencumbered flavor sets this sauce apart from the many in an overcrowded field of mediocre offerings. Four chiles, Garlic and a proprietary blend of select herbs and spices offer a daring departure from the ordinary and empower your foods with Flavor!

Uncle Brutha is certainly no stranger to Change. So when we learned of Barack Obama's love for hot sauce, we started our own campaign for Change. Starting October '08, we will be offering a limited number of Special "Collector's Edition" Sauces. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these sauces will be used to help make a difference.

The first one we call "The Audacity of Hot Sauce" because like Barack Obama, when you've been recognized for excellence, sometimes it just takes the audacity to make it known and like Uncle Brutha's AWARD WINNING Hot Sauce, "Change... Can Be GOOD!!!"

For the artwork, we reached out to the community and were introduced to artist Maurice Hill, a 19 year old DC native and recent graduate of Friendship Edison Collegiate Academy. Along with being an avid Barack Obama supporter, Maurice is currently an intern with Ward 7 Arts Collaborative, a non-profit dedicated to building youth capacity that offered Maurice the opportunity to sharpen his skills as he explores his options for college. So when we told him of our mission to help the Obama campaign, he was eager to lend a hand.

These bottles are selling for ***$10.00 each and from now through October 25th, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of these already highly sought after sauces will go to support the Obama '08 Presidential Campaign. The "Hot Sauce of Capitol Hill" wants to help our next President bring CHANGE and a "Brand New Flavor" to the White House. Uncle Brutha agrees, "It is time for a CHANGE... to a new Hot Sauce!!" Uncle Brutha's Award Winning Hot Sauce!!

The Perfect Gift Idea!

These very special sauces make great gifts and perfect stocking stuffers.

Visit our online store today!

They're sure to be collectibles, so...

Order yours TODAY!

***Taxes(when applicable), Shipping, and handling extra, Orders will be shipped within 14-21 days.

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